- Watch the videos and create a GOOGLE FORM with questions and answers related to their content.
- Make sure your questions cover BOTH sources.
- Paste the videos on your e-portfolios and EMBED the google form.
- go to GDRIVE
- open a FORM
- choose a TYPE/several types of question(s)
- HERE GOES A sample:
- You MAY work in PAIRS.
- AFTER the due date you're going to visit at least 3 mates´ portfolios and you're going to complete their quizzes.
- if you happen to come across a MISTAKE in your mate's quizz, let him/her know ASAP so that he/she is able to adjust that question or answer.
- how you found THOSE entries,
- if you've learnt something NEW (what),
- whether you consider this tool (Gforms) useful,
- other metacognitive comments.
- REMEMBER to use a PARAGRAPH for this reflexion.
DEADLINE: June 18th
stella :-)
8 comentarios:
Informative blog about Thesis Writing. I appreciate it for sharing.
I found this entry about the knowledge of the relationship between language and its functions in social contexts, developed by the British linguist M. Halliday, very interesting. After watching the videos, I could clarify the concept that SFL emphasizes the interaction between form and meaning, and that considers grammar as a meaning-making resource. SFL is an enrichment tool which gives us the opportunity to concentrate on the writing process and to observe different aspects related to written texts.
I found this entry about Systemic Functional Linguistics very useful. I didn't know about this approach and its principles neighter about Halliday. These videos helped me to clarify some concepts such as metafunctions and register. We have to take into consideration these concepts and the genre, as well as the writing process, in order to achieve a well written text.
It´s good to see that you've found this entry useful. This is NOT an easy theoretical framework, and yet....looking for new strategies to learn SFL is a MUST BOTH FOR THE TEACHER and for the RESPONSIBLE STUDENT (>student responsible for his/her own learning!). This is HARD work...but effective. It's worth the effort!
I found this entry very useful. It helped me to clarify the meaning of the concept of "Genre". Although I have read a lot about it through the different readings we performed in class (or at home), I couldn't understand its difference with the concept of "Register". Now, thanks to these videos I could. Also, I think it is important that, as future English teachers, we help our students in the analysis of different genres. This is something that takes time and classes but it provides them with the basis for a succesful writing. Last but not least, I find very important to increase our student's motivation towards the audience by publishing their material
I don't know why my user name is not shown. I'm Belen Porco, by the way
I found this entry very useful to enrich my future classes. I learnt how to create, design and share a google form. It is an interesting way to integrate and test yourself how much you have learnt about the topic. Although I know some things about Halliday, SLF is something new for me. It is really important to know about SFL theory itself, its principles and how we can include this language theory in our classes. Surely,it is a difficult task to achieve, but not impossible. I think that it is our responsability to make an effort, look for information in order to think different strategies to include these important findings in the class and also to provide students tools to improve their writings.
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